Day by Day the facilities of the Holly Kabba are increasing. By time naw a days their is a capacity of approximately 05 Million people to oblig the Hajj at a same time.

Old Pictures of the Holly Kaba

Step wise up gradation of The Holly Kabba in The Holly Makkah.
The Holly Kabba is the first Home laid by ALLAH(Almighty) on the earth for the worship. It is situated in The Makkah. Every year million of Muslims offer their obligation of the HAJJ.

How the people look towards the news.

The twin cities are not called twins just due to their geographical location their neighbor hood but also the people of both also they have same culture, thoughts and feeling towards their nation and culture. The main interest of the habitats of the twin cities is in political situation of the country. These days both cities are passing their arguments on the present situation of politics of the country. Also there is a strong business community which is totally indulged in his business and the current situation of the business of the country.  Some people who give their full concentration towards their business and don’t focus on any thing except it.
Many people inter relate the Business condition with the country’s political condition. They claim the instability of the government to this disaster of the economics. Also their vision towards the Supreme Court is really considerable. They take it as a time pass and the habitual strategy of any government to complete its time frame by post pounding the cases. This critical situation is now quite interesting and a topic of discussion during their working hours and their gatherings.

 Federal and Provincial Budgetary Operations of Pakistan, 2011-12

 Here is the summary of the financial condition of Pakistan. Its federal and Provincial Conditions.Comparison of July to Sept 2011 and  July to Dec 2011.

Pakistan: Summary of Consolidated Federal and Provincial
Budgetry Operations, 2011-12
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)       July-Dec.      July-Dec.
2011            2011

Total Revenue                                                          533,649          1,135,266
Tax Revenue                                                           408,965            904,626
Federal                                                               389,772            867,358
Provincial                                                               19,193             37,268
Non-Tax                                                               124,684            230,640
Federal                                                               105,888            206,886
Provincial                                                               18,796             23,754
Total Expenditure                                                       790,855          1,667,792
Expenditure Booked                                                    744,301          1,630,185
Current Expenditure                                                  656,636          1,399,212
Of which :   Interest                                              177,262            397,159
Defence                                              107,249            243,264
Development Expenditure & net lending                               87,665            230,973
Statistical Discrepancy                                                   46,554             37,607
Budget Deficit                                                          257,206            532,526
Financing                                                               257,206            532,526
External                                                                 (4,367)            33,989
Domestic                                                              261,573            498,537
Non-Bank                                                             142,071            196,491
Bank                                                                  119,502            302,046

Memo Items:-
Total Revenue                                                                2.5                5.4
Tax Revenue                                                                1.9                4.3
Nontax Revenue                                                             0.6                1.1
Total Expenditure                                                            3.8                7.9
Current                                                                     3.1                6.6
Of which :    Interest                                                    0.8                1.9
Defence                                                   0.5                1.2
Development Expenditure and net lending                                   0.4                1.1
Budget deficit                                                                1.2                2.5
GDP (Rs. in Billion)                                                      21,042             21,042

Note: Figures based on information from AGPR/Provincial A.Gs./ SBP/EAD.
Budget deficit for the period July-December excludes, "One Off" payment of Rs. 391 billion
on account of debt consolidation.

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Table 2
Pakistan: Summary of Consolidated Federal and Provincial Revenue
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.         July-Dec.
2011            2011

Total Revenue                                                          533,649          1,135,266
Tax Revenue                                                            408,965            904,626
Direct Taxes                                                           127,619            312,881
Taxes on property                                                        2,696              3,468
Taxes on goods and services                                         204,335            439,343
Excise duty                                                            28,810             53,661
Sales Tax                                                            175,525            385,682
Taxes on international trade                                            42,446             94,229
Other taxes                                                             31,869             54,705
Stamp duties                                                           3,237              6,976
Motor vehicles tax                                                       3,073              5,201
Other taxes                                                             9,939             22,228
Petroleum Levy                                                        15,620             20,300
Nontax Revenue                                                        124,684            230,640
Interest (PSEs & Others)                                                 1,429              6,146
Dividend                                                                13,049             17,831
SBP profit                                                              54,000            104,000
Defence                                                                 1,807              4,633
Citizenship,Naturalization & Passport Fee                                 1,871              3,746
Development Surcharges on Gas                                         5,708              8,945
Discount Retained on Crude Oil                                           4,305             11,211
Royalty on Oil/Gas                                                      15,015             26,398
Others                                                                  27,500             47,730
Memo Items:-
Total Revenue                                                               2.5                5.4
Tax revenue                                                                 1.9                4.3
Direct Taxes                                                                 0.6                1.5
Taxes on property                                                           0.0                0.0
Taxes on goods and services                                                 1.0                2.1
Excise duty                                                               0.1                0.3
Sales Tax                                                                 0.8                1.8
Taxes on internationl trade                                                   0.2                0.4
Other taxes                                                                  0.2                0.3
Nontax Revenue                                                             0.6                1.1
GDP (Rs. in Billion)                                                      21,042             21,042

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Table 3
Pakistan: Summary of Consolidated Federal and Provincial Expenditure
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.         July-Dec.
2011            2011

Total Expenditure (Booked)                                             744,301          1,630,185
Current Expenditure                                                   656,636          1,399,212
Federal                                                               436,419            948,213
General Public Service                                              292,810            630,734
Servicing of Domestic Debt                                           164,817            363,525
Servicing of Foreign Debt                                             12,445             33,634
Superannuation Allowances & Pension                                 27,928             63,797
Grants (Other than Provinces)                                         47,831             82,658
Other General Public Service                                          39,789             87,120
Defence Affairs and Service                                         107,249            243,264
Public Orders and Safety Affairs                                      14,489             31,559
Economics Affairs                                                    10,234             17,712
Enviornmental Protection                                                 90                210
Housing and Community Amenities                                       19                 27
Health                                                                 1,385              3,262
Recreation Culture and Religion                                         926              2,388
Education Affairs and Services                                        8,998             18,594
Social Protection                                                        219                463
Provincial                                                            220,217            450,999
Development Expenditure and net lending                              87,665            230,973
Total Development Expenditure                                       88,906            227,660
PSDP                                                                 78,880            206,706
Federal*                                                              47,254            117,262
Provincial                                                            31,626             89,444
Other Development Expenditure                                         10,026             20,954
Net lending                                                            (1,241)             3,313

Memo Items:-
Total Expenditure                                                            3.5                7.7
Current Expenditure                                                         3.1                6.6
Federal                                                                     2.1                4.5
General Public Service                                                    1.4                3.0
Servicing of Domestic Debt                                                0.8                1.7
Servicing of Foreign Debt                                                  0.1                0.2
Superannuation Allowances & Pension                                     0.1                0.3
Defence Affairs and Service                                               0.5                1.2
Provincial                                                                  1.0                2.1
Development Expenditure                                                   0.4                1.1
GDP (Rs. in Billion)                                                      21,042             21,042
* Net excluding development grants to provinces

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Table 4
Pakistan: Federal Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.         July-Dec.
2011            2011
Tax Revenue (a+b)                                                            389,772             867,358
(a) Direct Taxes                                                              127,619             312,881
(b) Indirect Taxes                                                            262,153             554,477
Customs                                                                     42,446              94,229
Sales Tax                                                                   175,525             385,682
Federal Excise                                                                28,133              51,995
Other Taxes (ICT)                                                               420               2,244
Airport Tax                                                                         9                  27
Petroleum Levy                                                               15,620              20,300
Non Tax Revenue                                                             109,799             214,811
Interest (Provinces)                                                             3,911                7,925
Interest (PSEs & Others)                                                        1,080                5,364
Dividend                                                                     13,049              17,831
SBP profit                                                                    54,000             104,000
Defence                                                                       1,807               4,633
Citizenship,Naturalization & Passport Fee                                       1,871               3,746
Development Surcharge on Gas                                                5,708               8,945
Discount Retained on Crude Price                                              4,305              11,211
Royalty on Oil/Gas                                                            15,015              26,398
Others                                                                         9,053              24,758
Gross Federal Receipts                                                       499,571           1,082,169
Less Provincial Share                                                         210,518             466,010
Net Federal Receipts                                                          289,053             616,159
Total Expenditure (a+b)                                                       511,351           1,131,650
a) Current expenditure                                                       449,365             978,157
General Public Service                                                     305,756             660,678
Servicing of Domestic Debt                                                 164,817             363,525
Servicing of Foreign Debt                                                    12,445              33,634
Superannuation Allowances & Pension                                       27,928              63,797
Grants to Provincial Govt.                                                   12,946              29,944
Grants to Others                                                            47,831              82,658
Other General Public Service                                                39,789              87,120
Defence Affairs and Service                                                107,249             243,264
Public Order and Safety Affairs                                              14,489              31,559
Economics Affairs                                                           10,234              17,712
Enviornmental Protection                                                        90                 210
Housing and Community Amenities                                              19                  27
Health                                                                        1,385               3,262
Recreation Culture and Religion                                                926               2,388
Education Affairs and Services                                               8,998              18,594
Social Protection                                                               219                 463
b) Development expenditure and net lending                                 61,986             153,493
Total Development Expenditure                                            60,404             146,853
PSDP                                                                   50,378             125,899
Of which Development grants to Provinces                            3,124               8,637
Others Development Expenditure                                         10,026              20,954
Net lending                                                                  1,582               6,640
Provinces                                                              2,823               3,327
Others                                                                (1,241)               3,313
Overall balance                                                               222,298             515,491
Financing                                                                     261,150             544,296
External                                                                       (4,367)              33,989
Domestic                                                                    265,517             510,307
Bank                                                                        122,852             313,842
Nonbank                                                                    142,665             196,465
Memo Item
FBR Tax Collection                                                           373,723             844,787

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Table 5
Pakistan: Provincial Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.         July-Dec.
2011            2011

Total Revenue                                                          267,400            568,941
Provincial share in Fed revenue                                       210,518            466,010
Provincial Taxes                                                        19,193             37,268
Property taxes                                                           2,696              3,468
Excise duties                                                             677              1,666
Stamp duties                                                            3,237              6,976
Motor vehicles tax                                                       3,073              5,201
Other                                                                   9,510             19,957
Provincial Nontax                                                       18,796             23,754
Interest                                                                   349                782
Irrigation                                                                  545              1,146
Others                                                                 17,902             21,826
Federal Loans and grants                                               18,893             41,909
Loans(net)                                                              2,823              3,327
Current Grants                                                        12,946             29,944
Development grants                                                     3,124              8,638
Total expenditure                                                       255,754            548,368
Current expenditure                                                224,128            458,924
Interest payment to Federal Govt.                                        3,911              7,925
Other Current Expenditure                                            220,217            450,999
Development expenditure (PSDP)                                    31,626             89,444
Overall balance                                                          11,646             20,573
Financing                                                                 (3,944)           (11,770)
External                                                                   -                   -
Domestic                                                               (3,944)           (11,770)
Bank                                                                  (3,350)           (11,796)
Nonbank                                                                (594)                26

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Table 6
Pakistan: Provincial Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12 - PUNJAB
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.             July-Dec.
2011                  2011

Total Revenue                                                          120,336            248,556
Provincial share in Fed revenue                                        94,286            214,568
Provincial Taxes                                                         9,179             17,152
Property taxes                                                           2,022              2,340
Excise duties                                                             170                480
Stamp duties                                                            2,227              4,711
Motor vehicles tax                                                       2,003              3,188
Other                                                                   2,757              6,433
Provincial Nontax                                                       10,387             13,645
Interest                                                                   348                702
Irrigation                                                                  457                968
Others                                                                  9,582             11,975
Federal Loans and grants                                                6,484              3,191
Loans(net)                                                              3,692             (3,730)
Current Grants                                                          1,292              2,583
Development grants                                                     1,500              4,338
Total expenditure                                                       116,993            256,780
Current expenditure                                                100,431            207,686
Interest payment to Federal Govt.                                        2,288              4,576
Other Current Expenditure                                              98,143            203,110
Development expenditure (PSDP)                                    16,562             49,094
Overall balance                                                           3,343             (8,224)
Financing                                                                 (1,117)             9,108
External                                                                   -                   -
Domestic                                                               (1,117)             9,108
Bank                                                                    (806)             8,789
Nonbank                                                                (311)               319

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Table 7
Pakistan: Provincial Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12 - SINDH
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.             July-Dec.
2011                  2011

Total Revenue                                                           68,497            158,757
Provincial share in Fed revenue                                        55,203            124,195
Provincial Taxes                                                         8,920             18,062
Property taxes                                                            600                976
Excise duties                                                             448                998
Stamp duties                                                              882              1,964
Motor vehicles tax                                                         688              1,391
Other                                                                   6,302             12,733
Provincial Nontax                                                          289              2,872
Interest                                                                     1                  1
Irrigation                                                                  -                     7
Others                                                                    288              2,864
Federal Loans and grants                                                4,085             13,628
Loans(net)                                                              2,180              8,021
Current Grants                                                          1,181              4,123
Development grants                                                      724              1,484
Total expenditure                                                        77,510            154,620
Current expenditure                                                 73,759            144,006
Interest payment to Federal Govt.                                          889              1,777
Other Current Expenditure                                              72,870            142,229
Development expenditure (PSDP)                                     3,751             10,614
Overall balance                                                           (9,013)             4,137
Financing                                                                  (557)           (11,551)
External                                                                   -                   -
Domestic                                                                (557)           (11,551)
Bank                                                                    (387)           (11,220)
Nonbank                                                                (170)              (331)

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Table 8
Pakistan: Provincial Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12 - Khyber Pakhtunkhaw
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.             July-Dec.
2011                  2011

Total Revenue                                                           45,502             97,556
Provincial share in Fed revenue                                        33,136             74,565
Provincial Taxes                                                           898              1,594
Property taxes                                                             69                130
Excise duties                                                                4                 11
Stamp duties                                                              109                234
Motor vehicles tax                                                         276                455
Other                                                                     440                764
Provincial Nontax                                                        7,853              6,679
Interest                                                                    -                     5
Irrigation                                                                   63                119
Others                                                                  7,790              6,555
Federal Loans and grants                                                3,615             14,718
Loans(net)                                                             (2,944)              (477)
Current Grants                                                          6,250             14,583
Development grants                                                      309                612
Total expenditure                                                        42,525             87,422
Current expenditure                                                 32,461             65,964
Interest payment to Federal Govt.                                          575              1,255
Other Current Expenditure                                              31,886             64,709
Development expenditure (PSDP)                                    10,064             21,458
Overall balance                                                           2,977             10,134
Financing                                                                10,512              3,796
External                                                                   -                   -
Domestic                                                              10,512              3,796
Bank                                                                  10,623              3,760
Nonbank                                                                (111)                36

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Table 9
Pakistan: Provincial Government Fiscal Operations, 2011-12 - BALOCHISTAN
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.             July-Dec.
2011                  2011

Total Revenue                                                           33,065             64,073
Provincial share in Fed revenue                                        27,893             52,682
Provincial Taxes                                                           196                460
Property taxes                                                               5                 22
Excise duties                                                               55                177
Stamp duties                                                               19                 67
Motor vehicles tax                                                         106                167
Other                                                                      11                 27
Provincial Nontax                                                          267                559
Interest                                                                    -                   74
Irrigation                                                                   25                 52
Others                                                                    242                433
Federal Loans and grants                                                4,709             10,372
Loans(net)                                                               (105)              (487)
Current Grants                                                          4,223              8,655
Development grants                                                      591              2,204
Total expenditure                                                        18,726             49,546
Current expenditure                                                 17,477             41,268
Interest payment to Federal Govt.                                          159                317
Other Current Expenditure                                              17,318             40,951
Development expenditure (PSDP)                                     1,249              8,278
Overall balance                                                          14,339             14,527
Financing                                                               (12,782)           (13,123)
External                                                                   -                   -
Domestic                                                             (12,782)           (13,123)
Bank                                                                 (12,780)           (13,125)
Nonbank                                                                   (2)                 2

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Table 10
Pakistan: Pakistan Budgetary Financing, 2011-12
(In Million of Pakistan Rupees)
July-Sept.         July-Dec.
2011            2011

External Inflows
Project Aid                                                           25,053             64,355
Program Loans                                                        2,988             17,355
Other loans                                                            1,095              4,004
Grants                                                                2,464             11,445
Gross External Financing                                               31,600             97,159
Less Repayments of External Debt                                      35,967             63,170
1. Net External Financing                                                (4,367)            33,989
Internal Financing (Net)
(A) Total Non Bank (a+b)                                                142,071            196,491
(a) Non Bank Federal (i+ii))                                          142,665            196,465
i. Public Debt                                                       96,631            114,517
Prize Bond                                                         10,532             16,957
Foreign Currency instruments                                           (40)                (85)
GOP Ijara Sukuk                                                    (6,522)            57,747
Govt.Securities                                                     42,555             23,253
Treasury Bills                                                      50,106             16,645
ii. Public Account                                                   46,034             81,948
Saving Schemes                                                   43,766             75,170
GP Fund                                                            1,049              3,522
Deposits & Reserves                                                 1,219              3,256
(b) Non Bank Provincial                                                  (594)                26
(B) Bank                                                              119,502            302,046
Federal                                                            122,852            313,842
Provincial                                                            (3,350)           (11,796)
2. Net Internal Inflow (A+B)                                            261,573            498,537
Total Financing of Budget (1+2)                                         257,206            532,526

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