Rainy Season and what it represents.

One of the interesting and most enjoying events on the ground is rainy season. People enjoy the rain and fresh their soul. Children like to play in the rain. They run here and their, see towards the sky and try to capture the falling rain drops. The sequence in which rain falls is very impressive. Every drop follows the path and way in which the proceeding one adopts. This thing tells the discipline in the naturally happening events. The creature of the world has created every thing in a well precised and disciplined manner. The creator of the world give lives to ground after rain as their is no one who can give life to ground to its greenery after rain falling. He says in clear words, " who give life to ground after he become dead" This thing also represents the loneliness of the creature of the world, “that there is no god but ALLAH (almighty).
Their fore we have to worship ALLAH (almighty) the creator of the universe and obey him as much as we can.

How EID UL FITTAR is celebrated

How  EID UL FITTAR is celebrated
Muslims celebrate EID UL FITTAR After fulfilling the obligation of Fast laid by Allah almighty. Fasts  are obliged in the HOLY MONTH OF RAMZAN.At the completition of Holy mount of Ramzan ALLAH ALMIGHTY awards the muslims with the gift of EID UL FITTAR. EID UL FITTAR is celebrated on the Holy month of  Shawal dated 1st .Muslims offer their Eid prayer  and embrance each other . They give Eid gifts to their relatives and friends. Special sweet dishes are cooked for eating and offering the guests.
